by @huddyitaly
I was talking with Samisa2, an Italian friend on Twitter but, since it's hard to write only few words to describe all we imagine, I asked her to talk here.
I preferred not to read other forums before to write to avoid to be affected by other comments.
I would also underline that we saw two identical promo but with different music. For me it's a hint. It means something but I don't know what: the words? or the music? In the first words are "Help me", hard not to think to the season 6 finale. In the new words are "C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon". Don't know, maybe I'm watching in the wrong direction.
BTW, returning to previous post, I'll go on with the comment:
* The mirror is not on the tub anymore but next to it.
OK, we agree that one of them removed the frame of the mirror by the tub. But to do what? They both were dirty. House is injured. So, I don't know, Cuddy clean the tub by the pieces of the broken mirror and maybe help him to shower? *DANGEROUS*
* There are no more brown towels hanging on the rack.
My first question is: the person who wrote wanted to underline that the towels were two or the plural was just used randomly?
So, if the plural is correct, did they use the towels together or alone?
* Cuddy’s pink scrubs are folded on the heater.
If scrubs are folded then were posted specially there. No sexy strip-tease, then.
* Both Cuddy’s and House’s tennis shoes are on the floor.
Again, the shoes are there because they showered. But, together? At this point I think NO!
* House’s jacket is resting on the rug.
I don't know.
* A shred of natural light is coming from the bedroom indicating it’s morning.
In the last scene of "Help me" House's clock showed about 5 o'clock so, almost morning.
So, after this study, I think they had no sex in that occasion.
Don't know if this mean something but, as you see in the picture, the two floors are lightly different and the rug are 1 in the old, 2 in the new.
Also, David Shore in a recent interview said that not all it seems is what it seems.
ITA version
Ho preferito non leggere nessun forum prima di scrivere queste parole per non essere influenzata da altri commenti. Vorrei anche far notare che sono usciti due promo: UGUALI ma con MUSICHE DIVERSE. E questo, secondo me è un indizio. Significa qualcosa ma non so cosa: ci si riferisce alle parole? o alla musica? Nel primo le parole ricorrenti sono "Help me", difficile non pensare alla season 6 finale. Nel nuovo le parole sono: "C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon". Non so, magaris to guardando nella direzione sbagliata.
Comunque, tornando a noi, commento quanto riportato nel post precedente.
* Lo specchio non è più nella vasca ma vicino.
Se lo specchio non è più nella vasca, sicuramente è perchè l'hanno tolto! Magica deduzione! Lol! Ma per fare cosa? Sono entrambi sporchi da far paura. House è anche ferito. Quindi, io direi, Cuddy ripulisce la vasca dai pezzi di specchio e, non so, secondo te lo aiuta a lavarsi? *PERICOLOSO*
* Non ci sono più gli asciugamani (sottolineo, plurale) marron nel porta asciugamani.
Qui si parla di asciugamani. Quindi è sottinteso che sono stati usati entrambi. Ma, ripeto, insieme o in due momenti diversi?
* Gli abiti rosa di Cuddy sono piegati (quindi non buttati lì stile strip tease!) sul termosifone.
Ecco, questo mi lascia perplessa. Ci fanno notare che gli abiti sono PIEGATI non BUTTATI LI' a caso.
* Entrambe le scarpe da tennis di House e Cuddy sono sul pavimento.
Non credo le abbiano tolte per fare silenzio, Lol! Immagino che sia sempre perchè si sono lavati entrambi. Il che non significa che lo abbiano fatto insieme o che abbiano fatto sesso in quell'occasione.
* La giacca di House è poggiata sul tappetino.
Questo non mi fa venire in mente niente. A te? A voi?
* Un raggio di luce naturale che entra dalla finestra del bagno indica che è mattina.
Nella scena finale di Help me l'orologio di House segnava le 5 e qualcosa, quindi era quasi mattina. A questo punto io non credo che abbiano fatto sesso in quel momento. Anche perchè, se fossi una sceneggiatrice, o una regista, avrei scelto di dedicare a un momento così importante una situazione speciale. L'inizio di un episodio mi sembra troppo frettoloso. Sono sicura che la loro prima scena di sesso sarà memorabile. Staremo a vedere.
12 commenti:
Grazie per aver condiviso questo post di opinioni!
By the way, now with the new promo (third one) we have to change again our mind about 'the clothes'.
I think that we can't speak about the new season until we'll see something more clear than these promos.
I'm kinda spoiler-free (yeah twitter is not helping me *lol* and I know that) but I think we should wait before saying 'they had sex' or 'they must have sex in the bedroom or in the bathroom'. Also, I know this is not simple (to wait) but if we consider the Ausiello's-fake-journalist spoilers and the sentence that daddy Shore and mommy Jacobs said/will say we get more confused.
Peace! *_*v
Translation ir arriving!
Il promo? Misero, ma avrà un suo significato *spero*, quindi:
House e Cuddy sono appena tornati a casa dopo una giornata sfiancante: hanno dovuto soccorrere una ventina di persone (se non di più),hanno dovuto affrontare il caso “Hanna”(che non si è risolto con un lieto fine) hanno lottato con il fato e con loro stessi. Hanno finalmente trovato il coraggio di “risolvere” la loro situazione.
Sono stanchi, sono a casa (soli).
House è ferito, durante le scene finali si vede la benda piena di sangue, e gli fa male la gamba.
Cuddy è scombussolata poiché ha lottato contro la morte tutto il giorno e finalmente si è dichiarata.
La domanda da porsi,dopo aver riassunto brevemente gli antefatti, è :
Com’è continuata la scena?
Come Cristina,penso che House e Cuddy non abbiano fatto sesso,non quella mattina.
Iniziamo ad analizzare le foto:
La prima cosa che notiamo è lo specchio che non è più nella vasca bensì al lato del lavandino. Ciò mi fa presupporre che sia stato spostato dai due. Potrebbe essere che, essendo entrambi sporchi, abbiano pensato di lavarsi e di rifocillarsi dopo una giornataccia simile. Ad avvalorare quest’ipotesi c’è la mancanza dell’asciugamano, e lo spostamento dei tappeti (da uno a tre) e di alcuni prodotti sul lavandino, infatti se osservate la stanza nei due momenti differenti ci sono diversi prodotti.
Lo spostamento richiede tempo e se i due avessero voluto continuare il loro exploit non ne avrebbero perso così tanto, si sarebbero buttati più velocemente possibile nella vasca (togliendo solo lo specchio rotto e poche altre cose)
Lo spostamento dei prodotti sul lavandino ci sta anche nel fatto che, essendo House ferito, Cuddy abbia interrotto il loro approccio per medicarlo.
Quindi o per fare la medicazione o per lavarsi i due “non hanno continuato”, se non sotto la doccia *_*
(avrebbe aiutato una foto della vasca)
Mi chiedi se Cuddy abbia aiutato House a lavarsi? Questa è un’idea malsana, però se ci pensi potrebbe essere così:
Loro si baciano per un bel po’, Cuddy si rende conto che House sanguina copiosamente quindi decide di terminare le loro effusioni per medicarlo, però prima pensa che entrambi debbano fare la doccia, insieme?!…insieme, poichè li sono presenti contemporaneamente la divisa di Cuddy e le scarpe. (se la doccia l’avesse fatta prima Cuddy, House nel frattempo avrebbe messo le scarpe nella scarpiera o da qualche altra parte e la giacca sul divano, se invece l’avesse fatta prima House, Cuddy da brava donna avrebbe risistemato prima le scarpe e poi fatto la doccia *credo*)
Gli abiti di Cuddy messi li “ordinatamente” escludono uno srtrip tease, però la giacca di House è li per terra, perché?
L’unica spiegazione che mi sono data: se Cuddy avesse fatto la doccia per prima, House si sarebbe messo a fare qualcosa nel frattempo (tipo cucinare) poi arrivato il suo turno entra in bagno e butta le cose lì a caso (le scarpe e la giacca) e la divisa di Cuddy resta lì perché sporca.
Cosa ha fatto House nel frattempo? Perché non si è messo comodo togliendosi le scarpe e la giacca?
Il raggio di sole?
Potrebbe essere mattina, ma quale? Quella del giorno dopo?
Se i due avessero continuato e poi fatto la doccia?
Le scarpe restano lì dalla “notte precedente” mentre la divisa, raccolta da Cuddy, viene poggiata al risveglio sul termosifone perché sporca e perché è l’unica cosa che Cuddy potrebbe mettere per ritornare a casa.
I vestiti di House? Sono ancora in giro per la casa?
Le diverse canzoni?
Nella prima si sentiva dire “Help me” nella seconda “C’mon”…prendo questo C’mon come un incitamento.
Un’idea strana: e se tutti questi cambiamenti simbolizzassero qualcosa?
Lo specchio rotto = rabbia , quindi il suo spostamento e la vasca pulita farebbero pensare all’eliminazione di questa…niente più rabbia.
Il vicodin = dolore e dipendenza. Flaconcini vuoti = eliminazione del dolore e della dipendenza (ha altro a cui pensare).
(il vicodin, elemento fondamentale del telefilm, non è nei flaconcini quindi i due hanno perso tempo anche per buttarlo).
Doccia =hanno buttato via anche la stanchezza causata dal loro rapporto da sempre frustante.
Help me: House non sarà più l’essere bisognoso,depresso e dipendente dal vicodin, ma un uomo vivo che può fare di più --> C’mon.
Hm, what jess-ch-90 said. We have to remember things are not always what they seem. I guess we will never know if they had sex or not until September.
Great article btw :D I now know what you meant by you being an observant person lol.
To Admin:
Thank you! :D
Here the translation of the Samisa2 double post.
Thanks to @SissiCuddles for that ;-)
The promo? too short, but it has its hidden meaning, at least I hope so.
House and Cuddy have just returned home after an exhausting day: they had to rescue a dozen people (if not more), they had to deal with Hanna's case (which was resolved without a happy ending) they have struggled against fate and themselves. They finally found the courage to "fix" their situation.
They’re tired, they’re home (alone).
House was injured, during the final scenes we see the bandage full of blood, and his leg hurts.
Cuddy is upset because she fought against death all day and finally has declared her love to him.
The question, after summarizing briefly the background, is:
How the scene continued?
Like Christina, I think that Cuddy and House have not had sex, not that morning.
But now, let's begin to analyze the photos:
The first thing we notice is the mirror that is no longer in the tub but on the side of the sink. This makes me assume it was moved by the two. Could it be that, both being dirty, they decided to wash and refresh themselves after a bad day like that. To confirm this hypothesis is the missing towel and the carpets (two new carpets on the floor) and certain other products on the sink, in fact if you look at the room attently there are different products.
If the two had wanted to continue their exploits would not have lost so much, they would plunge into the tank as quickly as possible (removing only the broken mirror and a few other things)
The products are on different places on the sink probably because, House being wounded, Cuddy had pulled away from their kiss to medicate his cuts.
So, to make a proper dressing on his cut or to have a shower the two of them had to stop what they were doing, and I don't know, maybe they kept doing it under the shower. *_*
To be continued...
To be continued...
You wonder if Cuddy has helped House to wash? This idea is insane, but if you thought about it and that's what I made up:
They kiss for a while, then Cuddy realizes that House is bleeding and then decide to terminate their effusions for curing his cut, but first they both need to take a shower...together?! ... they are undressing simultaneously in the room. (If Cuddy had done the shower before, House in the meantime would put the shoes somewhere else and the jacket at least on the couch, but if House had done it before Cuddy, she would have put everything in its place, like a good housewife, and then took a shower * I *)
Cuddy's clothes on the ground in a mess so we can exclude a streep tease, but House's coat is there on the ground, why?
The only explanation I could come up to was: Cuddy had a shower first, House would do something in the meantime (like cooking) then his turn comes, he goes in the bathroom and throws things at random there (shoes and jacket) and the Cuddy's uniform is there because dirty.
The ray of sunshine?
It could be morning, but which one? That the day after?
What if the two had continued what they were doing, and then took a shower?
The shoes are still there from the "night before" and the uniform, collected by Cuddy, is resting there because dirty and it's the only thing that she could put to return home.
House's clothes? Are they still around the place?
The different songs?
In the first we hear "Help me" in the second "C'mon" C'mon ... I take this as an incentive.
A strange idea: what if all these changes symbolized something?
The broken mirror = means anger, then his motions and the cleaning would suggest eliminating this ... no more anger.
Vicodin = means pain and addiction. = Empty vials elimination of pain and addiction (he has other things to think).
(Vicodin, a key element of the show is not in the vials and then the two have also lost time to throw it in the garbage).
Shower = it has also have thrown away the tiredness caused by their relationship has always been frustrating.
Help me:=House doesn't need help anymore, he's not depressed and dependent on vicodin, but he's alive and can do more -> C'mon.
You guys make great points and here's what I think...
The mirror in the bathtub had to be removed because broken glass is dangerous. I have a feeling they didn't shower together because picking up the broken glass in the tub will most likely interrupt the sexual mood and we only see House's jacket on the floor and not his clothes.
For me it looks like there is only one towel, I'm not really sure. I think the writer made an honest mistake about that. It also tells us that someone had taken a shower. As for the carpets, remember guys, they did not shoot season 7 until June 14 so probably some of the props were moved around or changed? Another thing I noticed is that there is a carpet underneath the sink which wasn't there the first time.
For the pink scrub, I can't even tell if it's folded? Or does she mean just nicely hung on a ledge? For me, it looks like it was just carelessly put on a ledge by Cuddy getting ready to shower?
Please correct me if I'm wrong but I could only spot Cuddy's shoes and not House's.
House's jacket on the floor... Probably House had to take it off for Cuddy to bandage his shoulder, hence the the stuff on the sink, and they probably started to make out and move it to the bedroom and so the jacket was left and forgotten on the floor. Here, I have a slight feeling of them ending up having sex.
By the lighting on the floor of the room it looks like the middle of the day so I have another slight feeling of sex.
So the conclusion that I picked up was that House picks up pieces of glass out of the tub for Cuddy to take a shower and probably change the carpets (I don't know). After Cuddy finishes showering House comes in or is told to come in the bathroom to bandage his shoulder, then maybe a bit of talking and arguing and then sweet whispers (haha, I don't know either) they start to make out then one thing led to another And so I also conclude a possibility of sex. It's just a guess.
I liked so much what you wrote, Crys!
It's funny, but everytime I read someone else's thought I start imagining new scenes!
This one is improbable (not impossible, of course) but I'd like sooo much:
Cuddy showers for first. Then, with the towel around her body, wet hair, she calls House in the bathroom for the rebandage.
He sits in the border of the tub with his legs wide apart.
Cuddy stands in front of him, between his legs, rebandaging his shoulder.
When she finish, he watches her straight into her eyes and, with his right hand, grasp a corner of the towel pulling it down. OMG!
He leave her breathless. With a slow hug he brings her close to him. Her breath now is heavy. He leans his forehead between her.... in her chest (lol) as a baby asking for caresses, and takes a deep breath. She starts caressing her head and then, with both her hands, lift his face to watch him straight into his blue eyes. He starts kissing her br..... her body (lol, again). She closes her eyes, totally out of control and, well, *they take the train to heaven....* When do he shower? Don't know. Maybe don't. Lol!
Voluntarily I avoided to add all the details, just because I think it's not the right place where to write that. Using Cuddy's words: "Use your imagination" - 3x18 Airborne.
But, in the reality, I think after the rebandage House goes to bed while Cuddy is having the shower. When she arrives to his bed he is sleeping (or pretending to sleep). They are tired, they talk, they sleep hugged. But no sex now.
They will have sex when they start their trip, for me.
Less than 2 month to see what happen! OMG!
OMG you should totally make a Huddy fanfic! I totally had a picture while reading that passage lol it makes me *squee*! I loved it and now I really need September lol!
I'll start a fanfic one day! Lol! Happy you liked what I wrote!
(Sorry for my mistakes I always use "do" instead of "does". Unfortunately, I can't revise the comment!)
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