Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Olivia Wilde Teases on House/Thirteen Roadtrip (Spoliers)


It’s been far too long since we’ve seen Olivia Wilde step into her scrubs and in the show’s landmark 150th episode, airing April 11, we learn why: Thirteen’s been in the slammer! And if you think you’re curious to find out why, just wait until you see how desperate House is to crack the case in this incredibly wrenching (and fantastic!) episode.

“I have to say, this episode is probably my favorite that I’ve ever done on the show. It explores her return, but it kind of takes the scenic route,” says Wilde, speaking exclusively with EW.
Desperate to find out more, House shows up at the prison gates to collect Thirteen when she is released and ends up taking her on road trip with the goal of getting the truth out of her — and he does. (This is House, after all.) But it comes at a price. “In order to sort of melt her steely resolve, he has to show a little bit of his own vulnerability, and I think that’s what makes their interaction ultimately really kind of unusual and really interesting,” Wilde says. “He’s reaching out to her and showing her his rawness. I think that’s what encourages her to open up. It also comes after several attempts to throw him off the course. She tries to throw him off the scent, but it doesn’t work because he’s too smart. She eventually has to give it up.”

As for what the secret is…oh, I can’t tell you that. But I can tell you that it’s sort of a secret wrapped in another secret, wrapped in another secret, all of which leads to an amazing moment. By the end of it, you’ll never want Thirteen to leave again. At least, that’s what Hugh Laurie thinks.

“I’d bet money no one will figure out why she’s in jail before we tell them because until I read it I had no idea,” he says. “I think our fans will be left salivating.”

Taking guesses (and bets) in comments.

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